Distance Reiki Session
Distance Reiki Session
Distance Reiki Session
Distance Reiki Session
Distance Reiki Session
Distance Reiki Session
Healing Winds Reiki

Distance Reiki Session

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Schedule an appointment for a distance Reiki healing session today! Please plan on allowing 45 minutes to an hour for the session. This session will be held virtually via Google Meet. After purchase, Johanna will contact you to set up your appointment time and send you a link for your online session.

Note: If you are interested in scheduling an in-person Reiki session, please use the Contact form or the online scheduler HERE.

What to Expect

Johanna will visit with you at the beginning of the session and tell you a bit about what to expect as well as to learn any specific areas of concern. After that, she will begin the Reiki session focusing on your seven major chakras paying special attention to any areas she feels drawn to. At the end of the session, she will go over the results, any intuitive messages she received for you, and offer suggestions for you to alleviate any concerns she felt during the session.

How it Works

Reiki is a type of energy therapy designed to help balance the energy of the client's body to allow for both physical and emotional healing. Reiki is NOT intended to take the place of doctors or therapists, but rather to work alongside them for the highest good of the patient. Reiki sessions induce a tremendous state of calm and can allow the client's body and emotions to fully relax and to release negative emotions that no longer serve them, as well as allow the client's body to accelerate healing and minimize side effects of physical treatments and therapies. For this reason, Reiki is offered in over 800 hospitals nationwide as a treatment to enhance the recovery of patients.

Reiki has also shown promise in the treatment of mental illnesses. A study in 2006 conducted on a variety of Alzheimer's patients showed "that Reiki treatments show promise for improving certain behavior and memory problems in patients with mild cognitive impairment or mild Alzheimer's disease. Results indicated statistically significant increases in mental functioning (as demonstrated by improved scores of the AMMSE [Annotated Mini-Mental State Examination]) and memory and behavior problems (as measured by the RMBPC [Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist]) after Reiki treatment." Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17109583/


Johanna is a Karuna Ki Reiki Master, Usui Reiki Master, Crystal Reiki Master, and Level 1 Kundalini Reiki practitioner. She has been practicing Reiki since 2017 conducting distance sessions and infusing crystals and stones with the healing energy of Reiki. 

Reiki for Veterans

Reiki therapy is currently offered in over 800 U.S. hospitals and is currently being explored as a treatment option for veterans with PTSD. The Veterans Administration cites this study as one of many examples:

"In a 2019 study, 99 Reiki practitioners were asked to recruit clients, who completed surveys before and after their sessions. [1073] The 1411 sessions included in the study were all single visits for different people.  They lasted for 45-90 minutes each. Significant improvements were found in pain, appetite, anxiety, depression, shortness of breath, drowsiness, and nausea."-- Source: https://www.va.gov/wholehealthlibrary/passport/chapter-17.asp

Note: All current and former military, their families, and first responders receive a 25% discount on Distance Reiki services (and the entire website) through GovX ID.

Distance Reiki Reviews:

"I had Johanna Wickman do reiki sessions for me while going through chemo. At first, I was skeptical, but after my first session, I truly felt I wouldn't have made it through my first round. I, of course, thought the chemo might not have been that bad, but after the 3rd dose of chemo, I got so sick that I decided to have it done again. My weakness and nausea and depression were nowhere near as bad for me after the 2nd session of reiki and I would highly recommend it for anyone who is having a rough patch." --Christy

"So - I thought I'd try a remote reiki session for my chronic migraine, just to see if it would help. I wasn't sure what to expect, but Healing Winds sent a good summary both when the appointment was set up and again in a reminder email. I was really impressed with the results - I had a couple of symptom-free days right afterwards (I rarely have days with no symptoms and especially not in sequence). What's more, I learned about a couple of other areas of my body that need some more attention from my chiropractor. A good experience overall, and I expect I'll be back!"--Rebecca


All Reiki clients and treatments remain confidential with Johanna and will not be disclosed without prior written authorization.

Disclaimer: Healing Winds Reiki is not a licensed physician. I cannot diagnose, heal, cure, prevent, or treat any disease or illness. This healing energy work is not meant as a substitution or replacement for regular medical treatment. If you are under a physician’s care, you must continue to follow the advice of your doctor. Reiki is not a replacement for traditional medical care and advice. I cannot make any promises or guarantees about your results or your experience. By purchasing a Reiki session, you acknowledge all of the above.

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